<p>In our previous article, we’ve learnt that people are still searching for their next dream homes despite the pandemic situation. </p>
<p>Looking back on our earlier article <a href="https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/property-ma
<p>As you regrow your business, we want to enable you to spring forward with more efficiency through better features on AgentNet. These enhancements are aimed at elevating your experience on AgentNet so you can focus on what’s truly i
<p>In our <a href="https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/property-management-news/2020/7/189811/when-and-where-to-focus-your-listings-in-july-2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">previous article</a>, we see that property demand r
<p>When the Circuit Breaker was enforced on 7 April 2020, many property agents worried about how they could continue closing sales without conducting any physical viewing.</p>
<p>After all, properties in Singapore are minimally a si
<p>A lot of selling comes from knowing where your potential leads are. This way, you know where to focus your resources and invest in what matters. </p>
<p>Similar to our previous article on <a href="https://www.propertyguru.com
<p>COVID-19 has brought new realities to our lives, that just a few months ago, seemed unimaginable. Stay-at-home orders are keeping many people close to home, and social distancing is now widely accepted as the new norm. </p>
<p>In continuation of our efforts to stand united with you and give as much support as possible, we’ve launched a dedicated one-stop <a href="https://www.agentofferings.propertyguru.com.sg/covid19relief" target="_blank" rel="noopener norefer
<p>With the <a href="https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/property-management-news/2020/5/188545/man-who-posted-after-a-long-day-we-are-having-an-illegal-gathering-so-what-enjoy-the-food-to-the-max-fined-4500-for-illegal-gathering" target="_blank