Bank financing can only be gotten by being honest about your needs

To obtain bank financing for your business, the relationship between your company and the banker should be open and honest. If this is not the case, perhaps it is time to consider a different bank. By: Phoenix Lee/ When trying to obtain bank financing, do not make a decision based upon a particular loan officer, because this [&hellip

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UK property investments will increase to £55bn in 2021

JLL predicts UK property investments volume will total £55bn in 2021 UK property investments volume increase to be led by living, logistics and life sciences to lead growth. JLL has predicted that UK property investments volume in 2021 will total between £50bn and £55bn. This is up around 50% from the £35bn of transactions expected [&hellip

The post UK property investments will increase to £55bn in 2021 appeared first on iCompareLoan Resources.

Unsecured loan attracts the highest interest rates, but why?

Why are higher interest rates charged for an unsecured loan? By: Hitesh Khan/ You need money and fast. Without a great credit score or any type of collateral to your name, the only option is an unsecured loan. After searching the web, you have noticed the interest rates are substantially higher for an unsecured loan [&hellip

The post Unsecured loan attracts the highest interest rates, but why? appeared first on iCompareLoan Resources.

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