TAP & TS Group’s partnership with MOHH for healthcare lodging project

Image credit: Google Maps

On February 20, 2024, a significant partnership was forged between The Assembly Place (TAP), the TS Group, and MOH Holdings (MOHH) in Singapore.

This partnership aims to develop designated lodging facilities tailored for healthcare professionals, with a primary focus on fostering community living and providing essential support for those working in the healthcare sector.

The joint venture agreement

A crucial aspect of this initiative is the joint venture agreement between TAP and the TS Group, which has led to a contract with MOH Holdings for the design, retrofit, and operation of three lodging facilities dedicated to healthcare professionals.

Healthcare lodging project Singapore - 1A Short Street
1A Short Street, one of the three upcoming designated lodging facilities for healthcare professionals in Singapore. Image credit: Google Maps

Locations and timeline

The designated lodging facilities will be located at 1A Short Street, 36 & 38 Teck Whye Crescent, and 107 Circuit Road. The facility at Short Street is expected to be operational by the second half of 2024, while the other two sites will be open in the first half of 2025.

Co-living concept

Central to this project is the introduction of a novel co-living concept aimed at fostering a sense of community among approximately 1,180 healthcare professionals. This concept prioritises creating a safe and comfortable environment conducive to community living.

Read more: Campus by The Assembly Place redefines co-living for students in Singapore

Support from MOH Holdings

MOH Holdings has underscored its commitment to providing a supportive environment for healthcare workers and ensuring a sustainable manpower pipeline.

Through partnerships with established operators like TAP and the TS Group, MOHH aspires to facilitate a smooth transition for new healthcare workers assimilating into Singapore’s healthcare system.

TAP’s perspective

Eugene Lim, founder and CEO of The Assembly Place, emphasised the significance of creating a welcoming environment, particularly for healthcare professionals relocating from their home countries. 

Established in 2019, TAP is a renowned co-living operator in Singapore, offering a diverse range of accommodation options across various properties. With a focus on community-building, TAP provides its members with a plethora of benefits through its mobile app and programmes.

Read more: Co-living operator The Assembly Place aims to be a pioneer in co-living industry with blockchain investment

36 and 38 Teck Whye Crescent - Healthcare lodging project Singapore
Part of TAP & TS Group’s collaboration with MOHH, this space in Teck Whye Crescent will redefine co-living for foreign healthcare workers. Image credit: Google Maps.

Collaboration with TS Group

Acknowledging the collaborative effort with the TS Group, TAP expresses gratitude for their support as a consortium partner. Leveraging the TS Group’s extensive experience in operating large-scale accommodation sites, this partnership intends to create meaningful living spaces for healthcare professionals.

The TS Group, founded in 2009, specialises in developing and managing large-scale communities for foreign workers and the elderly. Through innovative community initiatives, the TS Group enhances the daily living experiences of its residents, fostering a sense of belonging and well-being.

This collaborative effort between TAP, the TS Group, and MOHH signifies a significant step towards providing conducive living spaces for healthcare professionals in Singapore, prioritising their well-being and integration into the local healthcare ecosystem.

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