Record-high resale price for Executive (EXE) flat in Tampines @ S$1,038,000

The Singaporean Housing and Development Board (HDB) resale market has been characterised by unpredictable trends that have a significant impact on both buyers and sellers. A recent transaction of an Executive (EXE) flat in Tampines has set a new resale price record for the town, making it a noteworthy event in this dynamic market. This…

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Record-setting resale of a 4-room flat in Queenstown @ S$1,238,000

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) resale market in Singapore has demonstrated remarkable endurance and expansion in recent times. The latest record-breaking transaction in Queenstown, where a 4-room flat was sold for an impressive SGD 1,238,000, serves as proof of this thriving market. This sale not only establishes a new standard but also underscores the…

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Luxury condos at The Residences, W Sentosa now available at 40% off launch price, from S$1,648 psf

Image credit: Google Maps The luxury property market in Singapore has experienced its fair share of ups and downs, especially following the high-profile billion-dollar money laundering scandal that rocked our nation. However, amidst this backdrop of caution, we seem to be hearing some promising news in the upscale real estate sector:  Grant Wee, from the…

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Lower condo rentals may be caused by increased vacancies: What you need to know

The rental market in Singapore has been undergoing a noteworthy transformation, with a marked reduction in the price difference between private condominiums (or condos) and Housing Development Board (HDB) flats. While private condo rentals have been on the decline due to increasing vacancies, HDB rents have been on a steady rise and have reached new…

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Ensuring the Sustainability and Stability of Singapore’s Property Market

Government measures, including steps designed to increase the supply of public and private property, are helping to keep our real estate market in balance. During the pandemic, low supply and high demand drove rapid rises in Singapore property prices. Recently, however, there have been indications of moderation in both the public and private property markets,…

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Jackie Mang and NAVIS – The Team & Leader That Breeds Real Estate Success

In the competitive world of real estate, finding the right team to join can make all the difference in achieving success. Enter NAVIS, a leading real estate team led by its dynamic and experienced managing partner, Jackie Mang. With a team of more than 1500 professionals, NAVIS has built a reputation for excellence, nurturing the…

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HDB prices up slightly while volumes drop in March 2024

In the recent flash report for the Housing & Development Board (HDB) resale flat market, Mr Luqman and his Data team summarised that overall resale prices increased slightly despite a drop in volume for March 2024. In this article, we tackle the main points of the flash report to give you a clear-cut, drawn-out version…

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“南部濒水区+地铁橙线贯通” 双加持,国大周边的永久地契新盘有多吸睛?

地处新加坡国立大学周边,步行不到5分钟可抵虎豹别墅地铁站,永久地契,光是这三点,这个新开的楼盘锦绣山庄 (The Hillshore) 就非常吸睛。 更有“南部濒⽔区+地铁橙线贯通”双加持,锦绣山庄的地理位置坐享其成。 坐山面海, The Hillshore 邀你共赴“山海”之约 锦绣山庄的名字,是由”hill”和“shore”组成,绝非徒有其名。它坐落在一个山坡上,天生占据制高点,既可远眺肯特岗公园(Kent Ridge Park) 和花柏山(Mount Faber),又可俯瞰整个大南部濒水区(Greater Southern Waterfront)。 图源:FRX Capital 大南部濒水区发展计划是李显龙总理在2019年国庆群众大会上宣布的,堪称新加坡城市建设的里程碑计划。 大南部濒水区西起西海岸巴西班让码头,东抵滨海湾花园,并向南延伸,囊括圣淘沙岛,占地超过2000公顷,面积将是滨海湾的6倍,海岸线长达30公里,是目前东海岸公园海岸线的2倍。政府的目标是将其打造成南部滨海门户和都市滨海时尚生活新典范。 图源:FRX Capital 根据这个计划,未来5至10年内将陆续建成滨水长廊、自然走道、铁路走廊等,无缝连接大南部海滨的各个景点,包括新的巴西班让(Pasir Panjang)直线公园、西海岸公园和拉柏多自然保护区等不少于13个公园。 图源:FRX Capital 而有望在2027年第二季度交房的锦绣山庄,将坐享大南部濒水区开发的红利,不仅升值潜力巨大,而且对热爱自然又享受时尚都市生活的人来说,也是一个巨大的诱惑。 图源:FRX Capital 交通便利, 橙线“闭环”将带来新一波红利 锦绣山庄享城市公共交通便利,不仅步行4分钟即可达虎豹别墅地铁站,同时也靠近肯特岗站。 图源:LTA 明年(2025年),橙线(环岛线)有望形成“闭环”,锦绣山庄附近又将新增爱德华太子路 (Prince Edward Road MRT)、广东民 (Cantonment MRT)、岌巴(Keppel MRT)三个新的地铁站。 图源:FRX Capital 此外,对于有车一族而言,附近有亚逸拉惹高速公路(Ayer Rajah Expressway)和西海岸高速公路(West Coast Highway),提供了更多便捷的交通选择。 从锦绣山庄出发,车程8分钟的范围内覆盖众多新加坡地标建筑与景点,如新加坡最大的购物中心怡丰城(VivoCity)、最具波西米亚风情的地方荷兰村(Holland Village)、“快乐天堂”圣淘沙(Sentosa)以及花园城市瑰宝武吉知马自然保护区(Bukit Timah Nature Reserve),罗彻斯特公园 (Rochester Park)、亚历山德拉零售中心…

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