CHAS card: Types, eligibility, and benefits [complete guide]

The healthcare expenses in Singapore can pose a substantial financial burden for numerous households. In response to this concern, the government has implemented the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS), which aims to offer subsidies to Singaporean citizens when seeking medical treatment at participating healthcare facilities.

The CHAS program has undergone expansions in its coverage and eligibility criteria over the years, thereby establishing itself as a valuable aid for many Singaporean residents.

In this article, we will look into the various categories of CHAS cards, their eligibility criteria, and the perks they provide.

But first, read this: How to stay healthy and active while working from home in Singapore

Table of contents:

  1. Understanding the CHAS card
  2. Eligibility criteria
  3. How to apply for a CHAS card
  4. Benefits and subsidies of the CHAS Green card
  5. Blue and Orange CHAS card advantages
  6. Conditions covered under CHAS
  7. Using the CHAS card at clinics
  8. Is the CHAS card a good choice?

Understanding the CHAS card

The CHAS card forms an integral part of the Community Health Assist Scheme, aimed at enhancing accessibility to healthcare for Singaporean residents by providing subsidies at General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics.

chas cards
The three CHAS card variants. Image credit: CHAS.

The CHAS program comprises various card types: Green, Orange, Blue, and special cards designated for the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations. The level of subsidy individuals determine the categorisation of the card received, which is based on their household income or property value.

Eligibility criteria

The specific CHAS card for which you qualify depends on your household’s monthly income per person or the annual value of your home if there is no income. The following outlines the eligibility criteria:

CHAS card type Monthly income per person Annual Value of Home (2023) Annual Value of Home (from 1 Jan 2024)
CHAS Green Above S$2,000 Above S$21,000 Above S$25,000
CHAS Orange S$1,201 – S$2,000 S$13,001 – S$21,000 S$21,001 – S$25,000
CHAS Blue S$1,200 and below S$13,000 and below S$21,000 and below

Eligible individuals from the Merdeka and Pioneer Generations can obtain special CHAS cards offering exclusive benefits. Moreover, Public Assistance (PA) card holders are automatically entitled to full subsidies under CHAS without needing a separate application.

How to apply for a CHAS card

Applying for a CHAS card is straightforward and can be done online. Here’s how you can apply:

  • Visit the CHAS website: Head to and log in with Singpass.
  • Prepare required documents: You’ll need your family members’ NRIC details and contact numbers.
  • Submit your application: The process takes about 15 working days, and you can check your application status online.
  • Choose notification method: You can receive updates on your application status via SMS or mail.

You may also reach out to the CHAS hotline at 1800-275-2427 (1800-ASK-CHAS) to inquire about the status of your application or to seek assistance with the CHAS application process.

Benefits and subsidies of the CHAS Green card

The CHAS Green card offers subsidies for specific healthcare services, primarily focusing on chronic conditions and preventive care. It should be noted that this coverage does not extend to common illnesses or dental services. Find below a brief overview of the benefits:

CHAS Green card subsidies Amount
Common illnesses NA
Selected chronic conditions—simple (a single chronic condition) Up to S$28 subsidy per visit, capped at S$112 per year
Selected chronic conditions—complex (multiple chronic conditions, or a single chronic condition with 1 or more complications) Up to S$40 subsidy per visit, capped at S$160 per year
Selected dental services NA
Recommended health screening under Screen For Life programme Fixed fee of S$5 for eligible Singaporeans
Nationally-recommended vaccinations Singapore Citizens who meet the criteria for vaccination under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) and National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) are eligible for subsidies for nationally-recommended vaccinations
Childhood Developmental Screening All Singaporean children (0 to 6 years) attending Childhood Development Screening according to recommended touchpoints under local guidelines will be eligible for subsidies

The CHAS Green card targets high-income households, yet it offers significant subsidies for chronic conditions and preventive health services, serving to mitigate certain medical expenses.

Blue and Orange CHAS card advantages

The Blue and Orange CHAS cards provide extensive subsidies targeting lower-income households, encompassing prevalent ailments, long-term medical conditions, and dental care services. The Blue card extends greater subsidies than the Orange card, making it more advantageous for individuals in the lowest income bracket.

Let’s delve into the comprehensive benefits offered by each card:

  • Common illnesses: The Blue card offers up to S$18.50 per visit, while the Orange Card provides up to S$10 per visit.
  • Chronic conditions: The Blue card offers subsidies ranging from S$80 to S$125 per visit, compared to S$50 to S$80 for the Orange card.
  • Dental services: Blue cardholders receive up to S$256.50 per procedure, while Orange cardholders get up to S$170.50.

The Merdeka and Pioneer Generation cards provide enhanced subsidies. Pioneer Generation cardholders receive comprehensive benefits, including complimentary health screenings through the Screen for Life program.

Conditions covered under CHAS

The CHAS cards cover various health conditions according to the card type. While the CHAS Green card does not cover common illnesses, it offers subsidies for various chronic conditions. Below is a detailed breakdown:

Health condition Covered by CHAS Green card?
Common illnesses
Abdominal pain No
Cough, cold, flu No
Diarrhoea No
Fever No
Headache No
Skin infection and rashes No
Sore eyes No
Urinary tract infection No
Chronic conditions
Allergic Rhinitis Yes
Anxiety (only claimable at selected clinics) Yes
Asthma Yes
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Yes
Bipolar disorder (only claimable at selected clinics) Yes
Chronic Hepatitis B Yes
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Yes
Dementia Yes
Diabetes mellitus (including pre-diabetes) Yes
Epilepsy Yes
Gout Yes
Hypertension (high blood pressure) Yes
Ischaemic heart disease Yes
Lipid disorders (e.g., high cholesterol) Yes
Major depression (only claimable at selected clinics) Yes
Chronic kidney disease (nephritis/nephrosis) Yes
Osteoarthritis Yes
Osteoporosis Yes
Parkinson’s disease Yes
Psoriasis Yes
Rheumatoid arthritis Yes
Schizophrenia (only claimable at selected clinics) Yes
Stroke Yes

We recommend consulting a CHAS GP clinic to confirm coverage for conditions not listed above.

Using the CHAS card at clinics

CHAS cards are accepted at participating private GP and dental clinics but are not valid at polyclinics. Holders of the Green CHAS card are restricted to using their cards at GP clinics, whereas those with Blue, Orange, Merdeka, or Pioneer Generation cards may use theirs at GP and dental clinics. Reviewing the complete list of participating CHAS clinics before visiting a clinic is advisable to ensure subsidy eligibility.

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If you do not have a physical CHAS card, there is no cause for concern, as Singaporeans aged 15 and above can access their CHAS card digitally through the Singpass mobile app. This facilitates the convenient presentation of the card at clinics.

Is the CHAS card a good choice?

health card marek studzinski unsplash
Image credit: Marek Studzinski on Unsplash.

The CHAS card is a valuable asset for Singaporeans aiming to mitigate their healthcare expenses, particularly those managing persistent medical conditions. The application process is straightforward, and the potential cost savings are substantial, especially for individuals qualifying for the Blue or Orange cards.

For better peace of mind, consider supplementing the CHAS card with an Integrated Shield Plan to ensure comprehensive healthcare coverage.

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This article is a product of and is based on information gathered from various sources, including the CHAS website. These sources are used in good faith to provide valuable insights. The source of the referenced content is duly credited, and we recommend that readers refer to it for a comprehensive understanding of the topic. is not responsible for errors, omissions, or consequences from using this information.

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