July 2024: Condo rentals surge 35.1%, HDB rents rise despite volume drop

In our previous flash report cover, we saw a respectable surge in volumes for condo rents while a modest increase in HDB rents. What does it look like for July? Teaser: there are big jumps in numbers!

In July 2024, the rental market stabilised, with a 0.9% increase in condo rental prices and a 1.4% increase in HDB rents month-on-month. Take a look at the graphs below:

Meanwhile, condo rental volumes experienced a surge of 35.1% from the previous month, while HDB rental volumes also increased by 13.8%, as can be seen from the graphs below:

Both markets experienced year-on-year declines in overall rents and volumes, reflecting a lingering softness in demand. Despite the recent uptick in activity, uncertainties remain, particularly with upcoming Employment Pass (EP) renewals, which could impact rental supply and prices in the coming months.

This article covers the main points of the Rental Flash Report for July 2024.

Read this: June 2024 condo rent volumes surged by 16.8%, HDB rents saw slight rise

Table of contents:

  1. Condo rental market
    • July 2024 rents increased by 0.9% from June 2024
    • Volumes increased by 35.1% month-on-month
  2. HDB rental market
    • July 2024 HDB rents increased by 1.4% from June 2024
    • Volumes increased by 13.8% month-on-month
  3. Closing remarks

Condo rental market

July 2024 rents increased by 0.9%

spi condo rental july 2024

In the CCR, RCR, and OCR, rental prices saw modest increases compared to the previous month. Specifically, the CCR’s rent increased by 0.1%, while the RCR and OCR experienced more notable increases of 1.4% and 1.1%, respectively.

On a year-on-year basis, overall rents have decreased by 5% from July 2023. Specifically, rents in the CCR saw a decline of 6.3%. In comparison, the RCR and OCR both recorded a decrease of 4.4% over the same period.

Volumes increased by 35.1% month-on-month

condo rental volume july 2024

The number of units rented in July 2024 is estimated to be 8,133, a notable increase from the 6,020 units rented in June 2024. This indicates a year-on-year increase in rental volumes of 11.4%, demonstrating the market’s resilience compared to the same period last year.

Rental volumes were 3.8% higher than the five-year average, suggesting strong demand that surpasses historical trends. The rental activity by region was distributed as follows: 38.2% from the OCR, 33.4% from the RCR, and 28.4% from the CCR.

HDB rental market

July 2024 HDB rents increased by 1.4% from June 2024

spihdbrental july 2024

The latest data indicates that rental prices in both Mature and Non-Mature Estates have increased, with rents rising by 1.5% and 1.2%, respectively. Across different room types, rents also experienced increases, with 3-room flats rising by 1.7%, 4-room flats by 1.1%, 5-room flats by 1.2%, and Executive flats by 1.5%.

Year-on-year, overall rents have increased by 4.7% since July 2023. Specifically, rents in Mature Estates rose by 4.9%, while those in Non-Mature Estates increased by 4.4%. All room types recorded rent increases over the past year: 3-room flats by 5.2%, 4-room flats by 3.8%, 5-room flats by 5.1%, and Executive flats by 4.7%.

Volumes increased by 13.8% month-on-month

hdb rental volume july 2024

An estimation of 2,993 HDB flats were rented, indicating an increase from the 2,631 units rented in June 2024. However, the year-on-year rental volumes decreased by 11.6% compared to July 2023, suggesting a decline in overall demand compared to the previous year.

Rental volumes were 5.3% lower than the five-year average for the month, indicating a softer market than historical trends. Distribution by room type was as follows: 32.8% from 3-room flats, 36.9% from 4-room flats, 24.6% from 5-room flats, and 5.7% from Executive flats.

Closing remarks

hdb singapore galen crout unsplash
Image credit: Galen Crout on Unsplash.

The recent stabilisation of condo rental prices suggests a possible shift in the market. There was a modest 0.9% increase in July, and transaction volumes have notably risen, indicating potential changes in market dynamics.

However, it’s still too early to be optimistic about the condo rental market for the rest of the year. The upcoming Employment Pass (EP) renewals under the new COMPASS criteria might increase rental supply. Some foreigners may not renew their passes, potentially causing rental prices to drop or stabilise.

Read this: Million-dollar HDB Resale transactions hit ATH again in July 2024; Highest volume since 2010

Comments, data, and information provided by 99.co’s Data Team.

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