Jaslyn Kee: Building dreams, one property at a time

Meet Jaslyn Kee, a dedicated property agent with a heart of gold and a wealth of knowledge in the real estate industry. Having been in the industry for 16 years and closing hundreds of transactions – the value Jaslyn brings to any client is immense. 

Her tendency to go above and beyond, and her strong loyalty to her clients and friends means she is always there to support the people around her every step of their property journey, and ensures she gives her all to help them achieve their goals with ease.

Jethro, one of her clients who was recommended by a close friend to, engaged her to help sell off his HDB to upgrade to a condominium. Despite being the fourth agent to market the HDB, Jethro gushed about how “[Jaslyn] was very genuine and was upfront about the marketing plan and price expectations to put us on the same page.” The marketing strategy was far more effective than those from his past agents, with Jaslyn able to sell off his flat in two weeks with a higher than expected price.

Inspired to help

At 28, Jaslyn never imagined upgrading from her first HDB to a private property. Despite earning a modest salary of less than S$4,000, she achieved the impossible with the help of her property agent. 

Inspired by the life-changing impact of her experience, Jaslyn embarked on a mission to help others achieve their property goals. Her passion for real estate and unwavering dedication to her clients have propelled her to become a trusted advisor in the industry. 

Mr Jagan, one of Jaslyn’s clients, heeded the advice of Jaslyn and is currently staying at a landed property which he never thought he would have been able to afford. “When Jaslyn suggested for me to buy a landed property with the differing criterias I had, I told her she was crazy because I did not think I could afford it. However, she did her calculations and she was right! I did not have to tough it out as her calculations were spot on and I was actually able to comfortably afford the property. Now, my property is valued at $2mil higher from when I bought it, and I am ever grateful to Jaslyn for giving me the advice she gave then.”

Passion to help led her to serve clients beyond borders

Jaslyn’s steadfast dedication to her clients has earned her a reputation as the go-to agent for local and overseas buyers. With years of experience helping homeowners achieve their upgrading goals, she has a sharp acumen for the real estate market, coupled with an innate willingness to go above and beyond for her clients.

For overseas buyers, navigating the local property scene can be a daunting task, but Jaslyn is no stranger to the challenge. She understands the struggle of choosing the right property in an unfamiliar environment, which is why she takes the initiative to streamline the decision-making process. By conducting thorough research and fielding only the most promising properties, Jaslyn saves her clients precious time and energy. Her dedication to providing personalized attention and exceptional service has helped many foreigners find their dream home with ease.

Miss Xu, who came to Singapore to look for a property, was so impressed when Jaslyn drove her around for two weeks to find her dream home. “She also narrowed down a few good buys and helped me secure my house before the introduction of ABSD.”

Going above and beyond

Jaslyn’s passion for providing exceptional service to her clients knows no bounds. Her innate giving nature compels her to go above and beyond to ensure her clients get the best possible experience, whether it’s finding the perfect property or ensuring it’s well taken care of post-sale.

Unlike most agents who consider their job done after the sale, Jaslyn understands that this is just the beginning of a client’s property journey. She continues to provide support long after the sale, especially for overseas clients who may not be in town to oversee their property’s upkeep. From clearing mail and checking on the property’s condition to ensuring timely tax payments, Jaslyn takes care of every little detail to make her clients’ lives easier. For her, it’s never been about what falls within the scope of an agent’s job description. She treats her clients’ properties as her own and goes above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction.

Being proactive when it comes to advising clients on latest changes

Staying up to date with the ever-changing real estate market can be a daunting task, even for seasoned agents. Jaslyn understands that her clients may not have the time or resources to constantly monitor market trends, which is why she takes the initiative to keep them informed of the latest developments.

With her background as a trader, Jaslyn has honed a keen sense of discipline and a deep understanding of market trends and data. She brings this invaluable expertise to her real estate career, allowing her to stay ahead of the curve and provide her clients with the most relevant and up-to-date information.

For Jaslyn, being a responsible agent means ensuring that her clients enter and exit the market at the right time. She meticulously tracks market trends and notifies her clients when a property has reached its peak investment potential. She then works with them to develop a plan to reinvest their funds in the most profitable way possible. With Jaslyn by their side, clients can rest assured that they are making informed decisions that will lead to maximum returns.

Protecting her clients’ interest, even when it means saying no

Jaslyn’s resolute allegiance to her clients’ best interests sometimes requires her to make tough decisions, even if it means going the extra mile. A recent listing experience illustrates this perfectly. Despite receiving offers, Jaslyn believed that her clients could get a better deal and advised them to wait it out. Although her clients were eager to accept the offers, Jaslyn persisted and within a week, secured a higher offer, exceeding her clients’ expectations.

Her dedication to delivering the best possible outcome for her clients, combined with her determination to go the extra mile, make her an exceptional agent that many clients trust and rely on.

This has also translated into almost 30 awards won, including The Pegasus, the highest notable award of achieving more than $100,000 of commission in a single month, which she has won 8 times in her career. In just 2022 alone, Jaslyn swiped: 1H22 Top Associate District Director (6th Position), 1H22 Top 100 Achievers (28th Position), SRI Keynote Event ‘22 (15th Position), SRI Keynote Event ‘22 (6th Position), May’22 Project Sales Achievers (1st Position), May’22 Top 100 Achievers (2nd Runner Up), The Pegasus May’22, ‘22 Annual Awards Top Producer (45th Position), ‘22 Annual Awards Top District Director (8th Position). Together with her partner, Jaslyn has achieved more than $1 million of commissions consistently in the recent years of her career.

Esteemed leader Ken Low, Jaslyn’s mentor, has this to say about her, “Having worked closely with Jaslyn for more than a decade, she has never failed to perform at the highest level. Her dedication to her clients, knowledge in the industry and integrity in life, have made her an invaluable asset in the real estate industry and to our group. As a friend, I am proud to have witnessed her constant transformation throughout these years. And definitely one whom I will entrust my own clients and young budding realtors to her.”

Helping other agents in their career

Jaslyn’s impact extends beyond her own success as an agent, as she also serves as a mentor to other real estate agents. She has a team of close to 20 realtors, whom she painstakingly groom from ground zero. With years of experience under her belt, she understands the value of servicing and following up with clients – skills that cannot simply be learned from a book or seminar.

As technology continues to transform the industry and make lead generation more accessible, Jaslyn recognises that the real challenge lies in converting those leads into actual clients. That’s where her mentorship comes in – she takes a hands-on approach, partnering with new agents to run campaigns and providing valuable insight into the soft skills that are essential for success in today’s market.

But Jaslyn’s mentorship doesn’t stop there – she also works closely with Ken Taguchi, one of the top experts in digital marketing, to help agents not only generate leads but also nurture and close them. Together, Jaslyn and Ken Taguchi offer a comprehensive learning experience that covers all aspects of the real estate business. For new agents looking to break into the industry, their partnership provides an invaluable resource to help them achieve their goals.

Leveraging resources from Ken Low Group (KLG)

Jaslyn and Ken Taguchi are integral leaders of the esteemed Ken Low Group (KLG) in one of the fastest growing real estate agency, SRI Pte Ltd, which boasts a diverse array of experts who specialize in everything from HDB properties to high-end luxury real estate. One of the major advantages of being a part of this dynamic group and company is the ability to tap into the knowledge and expertise of highly experienced mentors via their group chat. This platform enables new agents to receive immediate, accurate answers to their questions and gain valuable insights that only seasoned professionals can provide.

Moreover, KLG offers regular market predictions to guide their agents on where to allocate their marketing resources for maximum impact. The group understands the rapidly evolving nature of the real estate industry and stresses the importance of staying ahead of the curve.

Aspiring real estate professionals looking for an opportunity to advance their careers would find a nurturing mentor in Jaslyn. She is committed to helping new and experienced agents develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in this exciting and competitive field. Jaslyn’s honest and high-achieving nature is evidently highly lauded by her clients. For sellers who appreciate her professional approach, they may look no further.

Jaslyn can be reached at +65 8181 2252.

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