A clear understanding of financial situation and objectives will help you acquire a better housing loan deal by switching loan to refinance.
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Covid-19 is a man-made catastrophe spread by our ignorance, recklessness and stubbornness. The pandemic unveiled the weaknesses in our social norms and cultural practices. It also exposed the problems in government systems all over the world, particularly in healthcare, housing, finance and infrastructure. Times are tough. An unknown future is frightening. But no matter how... [read more]
The post Who’s fueling the housing bubble? appeared first on Property Soul.
OCBC's inaugural virtual purchasing card offering leverage on Visa product.
The post OCBC’s inaugural virtual purchasing card offering leverage on Visa product appeared first on iCompareLoan.
Singapore's industrial sector ranked among the top 5 most expensive list in 2021 Global Logistics Outlook.
The post Logistics outlook suggests local industrial sector is becoming more tenant friendly appeared first on iCompareLoan.
Over the past few months, we’ve heard a lot about construction delays due to Covid-19. For instance, in early April, the Ministry of National Development (MND) updated that 85% of 89 ongoing BTO projects would be delayed for up to nine months. After the ban on visitors coming from South Asian countries like India, then...
The post Manpower crunch in the construction sector: What’s the situation so far appeared first on 99.co.
The many stories we hear, both in the news and from our friends, about renovation scheme scams and less than scrupulous renovation contractors makes us wary of even those who do an honest business.
The post Renovation scheme scam – don’t fall victim unscrupulous contractors appeared first on iCompareLoan.