![[Webinar Registration]: How to Calculate Your Refinancing Savings by Yourself](https://cdn-cms.pgimgs.com/static/2021/01/PGF_H1_2021_Webinar_28Jan2021_Zoom_Banner.png)
When it comes to refinancing your mortgage, it isn’t as simple as picking the bank with the lowest interest rate. There are other considerations involved, such as fixed vs floating rates, CPF vs cash savings, to shorten or extend your tenure, etc.
Sounds too technical and don’t know where to start? Then tune in to our upcoming webinar, where Paul Wee, Managing Director (FinTech) at PropertyGuru Group, will be demonstrating how best to use our mortgage refinancing calculator, a free online tool that helps you to break down your refinancing costs and savings. He’ll also share the methodology to estimate your expected savings, featuring real case studies and examples.
When: Thursday, 4 February @11 am
Slots are limited so reserve your seat now. Oh, and if you don’t know already, this webinar is free.
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