January 2021

Central Region to be transformed to provide endearing homes

Masterplan 2019 promises that the whole of Central Region will be redeveloped to provide endearing homes in Singapore. Dakota Crescent Dakota Crescent will be revitalised with the injection of new public housing. The much loved central courtyard, Dove Playground and six distinctive blocks of former Singapore Improvement Trust flats will be retained as landmarks for [&hellip

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Property tax info for HDB flat owners – what you need to know

Necessary property tax info is useful since there is an obligation to pay tax – calculating the tax payable, tax rates applicable, payment of property tax, and tax implications – when you sublet or sell your flat Necessary property tax info for HDB Owners’ Obligation to Pay Tax Property tax is a tax on ownership [&hellip

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Fast loan shoppers should exercise more care before zeroing in on product

Fast loan shoppers – Most of us become one at some point in time or another, but what should we look out for when doing so? By: Hitesh Khan/ Personal loans can be a godsend when you face a huge medical bill, an unexpected repair bill, or another large expense. But you might be wondering [&hellip

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Single And 35 Years Old? Here Are Your HDB Options (BTO + Resale Affordability Calculations)

The Singapore public housing market, while often regarded as one of the most successful in the world, comes with one little glitch. A common complaint is that for single Singaporeans – or couples who can’t be legally married for some reason – it’s much harder to secure a flat.  Well before you sigh in resignation...

The post Single And 35 Years Old? Here Are Your HDB Options (BTO + Resale Affordability Calculations) appeared first on Property Blog Singapore - Stacked Homes.

Couple occupies state land the size of HDB maisonette for 15 years, gets fined $7,000

For nearly 15 years, a couple had illegally occupied 144.2 square meters of state land—the size of a HDB executive maisonette flat—by annexing it as part of their existing three-storey landed property until the law finally caught up with them. Tan Teck Siong and his wife Cheah Mee Poh had bought the 999-year leasehold land,...

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