💪 Your Perfect Match: Hustler 💪

This Single Day’s, we play the modern-day property cupid by matching you with property agents – all based on a nifty personality quiz we’ve created. Attempt the personality quiz here!

Took the quiz and wondering who you are matched with?

*Drum roll*
Who is a Hustler?
The Hustlers are strong believers in work hard and play hard. They are often ambitious in nature and welcome new challenges that help them set apart from their peers.

Why is my match a Hustler?
You’re matched with a Hustler because hard work and sheer determination resonates deeply with you. You appreciate someone who goes the extra mile for you.

Hustlers embody the perfect balance of being pragmatic and idealistic. Being highly adventurous creatures, there is never a day that goes by where they aren’t striving to chase your dreams!

Here are your matches!
Looking to Buy and Rent? 

John Wei Zhe Lar Kee Lim Willy

Rebecca Colin Eugene

Jann L Dennis

Thank you for participating in our Single’s Day event!

We hope we worked our magic by bringing you together with your best match. 💘

Curious about the other personalities? Check them out below!




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The post 💪 Your Perfect Match: Hustler 💪 appeared first on 99.co.

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